Star Wars: The Old Republic is a story-driven massive multiplayer online role-playing game that unfolds over three and a half thousand years before Darth Vader and the Death Star. The game develops and continues the story of two parts of Knights of the Old Republic, giving players the world divided into two groups. Players are free to decide on which side they want to be – on the side of the Sith Empire or the Republic, to choose one character class from the set, and go conquer the galaxy.
We’ll find a supplier that will whisper to you in the game during your online time. We ask you to meet with the suppliers employee immediately, so that he can hand over the product to you.
In other words the process is the following:
We find a supplier that can give the Gold for you. (That can take 10 minutes-48 hours);
We contact you to ask when you are available and give you the name of the ingame character that will contact you;
At that time on the given place our supplier will contact you in the game to give you the Gold.
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