Which payment methods does Gaddon accept?

 We don’t process credit card ourselves. We prefer to redirect our users to a fully secured page of our payment provider. You will need to enter your credit card details to confirm your order.

How will I get my product?

If you purchased account upgrades or game-keys, you’ll receive to your e-mail address within 5 minutes to 24 hours after receiving the payment.

If you purchased local games currency (“Gold”), you’ll receive it face-to-face in the game.
F.ex. If you bought WoW Gold, we’ll find a supplier that will whisper to you in the game during your online time. We ask you to meet with the suppliers' employee immediately, so that he can hand over the product to you.

In other words, the process is the following:

  1. We find a supplier that can give the Gold for you. (That can take 10 minutes-48 hours);
  2. We contact you to ask when you are available and give you the name of the ingame character that will contact you;
  3. At that time on the given place, our supplier will contact you in the game to give you the Gold.

Please note, that every product has detailed delivery information. Please check them carefully before buying the goods.

Is my data safe?

Our various security measures guarantee total anonymity and security while surfing on our pages.

The shop is tested daily by McAfee for viruses and malware.

The secure sockets layer (SSL) encryption protocol offers you a highly effective protection during data transfer of sensitive information, like your email address.

HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is used to get your data bugproof.

Every transaction you send to us is encrypted so that your account information, Paypal, Moneybookers or ClickandBuy data cannot be intercepted by third parties.

Furthermore, we have implemented more security concepts that are not given away here.

Will I have to pay delivery charges?

No, you won't have to pay any delivery charges. All products are virtual goods and will be sent via email or will be delivered ingame.

How long does delivery take?

You will find the exact time of delivery in the product description.

Usually delivery takes place 1–48 hours after receipt of payment, but in 90% of orders delivery can be carried out earlier.